Monthly Portfolio Report – May 2024

But the sea, the sea in the darkness calls;
The little waves, with their soft, white hands,
Efface the footprints in the sands,
And the tide rises, the tide falls.

Longfellow, The Tides Rises, the Tide Falls

This is my ninetieth monthly portfolio update. I complete this regular update to check progress against my goal.

Portfolio goal

My objective is to maintain a portfolio of at least $2,870,000. This should be capable of producing an annual income from total portfolio returns of about $99,000 (in 2024 dollars).

This portfolio objective is based on an assumed safe withdrawal rate of 3.45 per cent.

A secondary focus will be achieving the minimum equity target of $2,300,000.

Portfolio summary

Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth Fund$836,087
Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth Fund$43,023
Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced Fund$76,120
Vanguard Diversified Bonds Fund$88,343
Vanguard Australian Shares ETF (VAS)$519,490
Vanguard International Shares ETF (VGS)$705,525
Betashares Australia 200 ETF (A200)$300,417
Telstra shares (TLS)$1,849
Insurance Australia Group shares (IAG)$7,855
NIB Holdings shares (NHF)$8,928
Gold ETF (GOLD.ASX)$158,241
Secured physical gold$24,981
Raiz app (Aggressive portfolio)$23,177
Spaceship Voyager app (Index portfolio)$3,926
BrickX (P2P rental real estate)$4,549
Plenti Capital Notes Market Loan$17,000
Total portfolio value$3,963,209

Asset allocation

Australian shares30.0%
Global shares27.7%
Emerging market shares1.2%
International small companies1.5%
Total international shares30.3%
Total shares60.3% (-19.7%)
Total property securities0.1% (+0.1%)
Australian bonds2.2%
International bonds3.9%
Total bonds6.1% (+1.1%)
Gold and alternatives33.5% (+18.5%)

Presented visually, the pie chart below is a high-level view of the current asset allocation of the portfolio.

Pie chart of allocation


This month delivered a small lift in the overall value of the financial independence portfolio, with gains of around $90,000 or 2.3 per cent.

This partially reverses the losses of last month, leaving the portfolio slightly below the value reached at the end of March. The portfolio continues to be strongly ahead – by around $1 million – of its position twelve months ago.

Chart - Monthly Portfolio Value

Australian and international shares performed modestly well over the month, growing in value around 1.2 per cent.

Gold fell slightly over this month, following a strong previous performance. In fact, over the past 5 years, gold has been the best performing of the traditional asset classes in the portfolio.

Bitcoin grew in value by around 6.5 per cent, while bond holdings also mildly recovered, returning around 0.4 per cent.

Chart - Monthly Portfolio Value Change

For a brief period at the beginning of the month, the Australian component of the equity portfolio fell below its target level (of $1.15 million). In response, new purchases of the Vanguard ETF (VAS) were made.

The portfolio remains above its formal headline target by some margin. The financial portfolio, excluding Bitcoin, remains around $50,000 below the final target level of $2.87 million.

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