An Unexpected Journey – An Introduction



This journey started unexpectedly when over the past two years, after just under 20 years of saving and investing, it became possible to imagine reaching financial independence over the next five or so years.

As this realisation dawned, I began to consume more financial blogs, articles and books, and wonder if there might be some invisible catch…some trick or oversight that meant it could not be done.

This blog aims to find that out.

Many financial blogs are aimed at either getting the absolute basics of achieving financial independence (get out of debt and saving) or at describing the rewarding lifestyles many have achieved after reaching their goals.

There are many fascinating blogs out there that have inspired this first step, such as Aussie Firebug, Dividends Downunder and Financial Samurai. Relatively few that I have found (and I acknowledge this may be my fault!) seem to come from the perspective of that “in between” time when the goal is in sight, even if a little distant.

What I also want to share is my exploration of different investment and finance tools and apps. I have a curious nature. If I can help anyone who may also be curious about the exciting new ways to invest and save from my own small explorations, that will be rewarding.

My interests are low cost investing, financial economics, new technologies, and, incongruously enough, ancient history. Blogging is completely new to me, and I am seeking to learn as I go.

The first day of a New Year seemed the best time to start a new journey.

Thank you for reading these first steps. Please do join me on this unexpected journey, and let’s see where it leads!

The FI Explorer


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