Know thyself
Temple of Apollo, Delphi
Hi! Thanks very much for checking in.
This is a blog about my personal journey toward financial independence, with explorations in investment strategy, finance and portfolio design issues.
I am a 50 something guy living in Australia interested in sharing what I learn along the way, and connecting with people who are either on or considering the same journey.
You can expect to see regular monthly updates on my progress towards achieve my financial independence objectives, including portfolio income and investment updates.
monthly update also usually includes reflections on what I have learnt, and discussion of academic evidence about investment issues and different ways to invest.
My primary financial independence objective is to seek to maintain a portfolio of at least $3,000,000 through 2025. This should be capable of producing an annual income from total returns of about $103,500 (in May 2025 dollars).
Consistent with this overall target and a target 80 per cent allocation to equities, a secondary objective through 2025 will be maintaining a minimum equity target of $2,400,000.
To read the start of the journey, click
here, and for a list of all posts click
here. There is also a page of
Frequently Asked Questions which provides some further details on issues readers have previously asked about.
For more details and an overview of the blog, see
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So please feel free to drop me a message or subscribe below!
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This blog is a record of my journey and decisions, based on my circumstances.
The specific portfolio allocation and approach described in it has been determined solely based on my personal circumstances, objectives, assessments and risk tolerances.
It is provided for general information and entertainment purposes only. It is not personal financial advice, or a recommendation to invest in any particular investment product, security or asset, or adopt any specific strategy, and investors considering these issues should undertake their own detailed research or seek professional advice.