Shifting Tides – New Portfolio Goals and Portfolio Income Update – Half Year to December 31, 2018


A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week

George S. Patton

Just over two years ago I set out on an exploratory voyage to try and build a passive income of around $58 000 by July 2021. With good initial progress, I reset the compass a year ago to seek to meet this initial financial independence objective by the end of 2018.

As I covered in detail in my recent year in review post, that accelerated timetable has not been met. The past few weeks have been spent reviewing my plans, assumptions and proposed approaches into the future to build both on what I have learnt and new information.

The half-year portfolio income update below forms part of this new information. To begin however, this post explains findings from my review, details my updated portfolio goals and assumptions, and discusses how I will approach my FI journey from here.

Shifting tides and new ports of call

To start with the ultimate goals, I have decided to refine my two complementary objectives, and re-base the target portfolio level of each.

Updated Objective #1 – The revised first objective is to reach a portfolio of $1 598 000 by 31 December 2020. This would produce a real annual income of about $67 000 (in 2018 dollars).

This is an increase of around $120 000 on my previous objective. This moves to a benchmark that I consider to be a better reflection of the original objective.

This new passive income benchmark equals the median annual earnings of an Australian full time worker. This is drawn from Australian Bureau of Statistics earnings data, which is updated at least annually, and which therefore can be consistently tracked through time. This replaces the previous goal of $58 000, a number which had not been inflation indexed since 2016, and which was taken from a variety of ad hoc sources.

Updated Objective #2 – The second objective is to reach a portfolio of $1 980 000 by 31 July 2023. This would produce a real annual income of about $83 000 (in 2018 dollars).

This is a small decrease on my previous Objective #2, a result of changes to some return and asset allocation assumptions discussed more fully in sections below.

The passive income target for this objective remains the approximate equivalent of average Australian full-time ordinary earnings, and a little above my average annual credit card liability. This second longer-term goal is designed to reflect a more ‘business as usual’ lifestyle, rather than more of a ‘leanFIRE’ concept – at least in my current phase of life – of $63 000 pa. As I have observed, it is closer to the level of expenditure at which I think I would truly become indifferent to working or not.

To set the target timeframe for both objectives, I have used very approximate and conservative estimates, based on previous average total portfolio increases over the past five years. This method largely ignores extra contributions arising from above average portfolio distributions, or any return impacts, given the relatively short time until both targets. Achievement of each target will inevitably be impacted by market fluctuations over the next few years, so constructing exact yearly forecasts of the impacts of average returns does not appear particularly worthwhile.

The portfolio targets levels are estimated by dividing the passive income target by a real return of 4.19%, equivalent to a nominal return of 7.19%. The real return assumption is based on the portfolio allocation discussed further below.

Measuring the journey

With the destination set, the next issue is how to measure the journey. So far I have just measured progress in simple percentage terms against the two objectives.

I plan to continue this, but to expand it in two significant ways.

First, recognising that I have some significant superannuation that currently sits outside of the investment portfolio, I will now seek to assess progress on two metrics:

  • the current measure based on reliance on the investment portfolio alone; and
  • a new ‘All Assets’ measure with superannuation assets taken into account.

The reason for this approach is that it increasingly seems artificial to entirely ignore a substantial potential contributor to a FI target, even if it comes with accessibility restrictions and some legislative risk.

Due to these risk and restriction factors, I continue to target financial independence through my private investment portfolio alone, with superannuation providing an additional margin of safety and buffer. Recognising this, I plan to simply report a total ‘All Assets’ measure, rather than detail or write about my superannuation arrangements (spoiler, they are almost exclusively in a low cost index fund).

Second, I plan to report against an expanded set of benchmarks, beyond just my formal investment objectives. Currently I plan to report against two additional measures. My average annual credit card expenditure (a ‘credit card FI’ benchmark) is one, and the second is an aggregated rough estimate of total current annual expenditure. This latter measure is quite approximate and results from adding some known fixed expenses to my total credit card expenditure. I recognise that it is by no measure a frugal existence, and how fortunate I am to be able to live in this way.

For simplicity I will report these progress percentages as below in future monthly updates, using the portfolio position on 1 January this year as inputs in this example.

Measure Portfolio All Assets
Objective #1 – $1 598 000 (or $67 000 pa) 82.5% 115.5%
Objective #2 – $1 980 000 (or $83 000 pa) 66.6% 93.3%
Credit card purchases – $73 000 pa 76.8% 107.5%
Total expenses – $96 000pa 57.6% 80.6%

What can be seen from this is that on a couple of measures, using an ‘All Assets’ basis that includes superannuation, I have already reached some of these basic FI benchmarks. On other purely portfolio measures I am still well-progressed, in sight of Objective #1 and about two-thirds of the way to Objective #2, for instance.

Plotting the course

Having set the objectives, the most critical part is planning how to achieve it. This is the purpose of an annual investment policy which I have been reviewing over past weeks.

From a review of articles and research on Australian safe withdrawal rates and asset allocation I have elected to move to a portfolio target of 75% allocation to equities with the following other target allocations.

Target allocationDec18-2Specific asset allocation targets

  • 75 per cent equity based investments, comprising:
    • 30 per cent international shares
    • 45 per cent Australian shares
  • 15 per cent bonds and fixed interest holdings
    • 7.5 per cent Australian bonds and fixed interest
    • 7.5 per cent international bonds and fixed interest
  • 10 per cent gold and commodity securities and Bitcoin
    • 7.5 per cent physical gold holdings and securities
    • 2.5 per cent Bitcoin

Reasons for allocation targets and assumed asset returns

Equity returns, safe withdrawal rates and international diversification

Equities provide the fundamental engine of returns in the portfolio, with the best chance of outperforming other asset classes, and maximising after inflation returns.

The overall asset allocation approach has been driven primarily by reference to a study How Safe are Safe Withdrawal Rates in Retirement: An Australian Perspective (pdf). This is public study which calculates safe withdrawal rates for a range of possible asset allocation mixes over a range of timescales, between 10 and 40 years, using historical Australian data.

At a 75% equity allocation, a withdrawal rate of 4% has had a 88% success rate, and over 30 years a withdrawal rate of 4.0% provides a 95% success rate. In addition to this, I have examined Early Retirement Now’s brilliant US-focused safe withdrawal series. Recently, AussieHIFIRE and Ordinary Dollar have produced excellent shorter and simpler analyses of Australia returns, which have largely reinforced the findings from the study mentioned above, with slightly more recent data.

This represents a 10% increase in my equity allocation. Separately, to help estimate the portfolio target, I have also reached long-term real equity return estimates. These are 5.65% for Australian equities, the mid-point of measured long-run historical returns over risk-free assets over the past century. For global equities the real return estimate is 4.5%, a historical figure sourced from the 2018 Global Investment Returns Study.

The split between Australian and international equities is designed to maximise total returns and minimise portfolio volatility, while taking advantage of the tax advantaged nature of Australian franked dividends. The equities sub-targets above seek to achieve a target 60/40 split between Australian and foreign equities, which this recent published academic survey determines to be optimal for most Australian investors (see Optimal Domestic Equity Allocations for Australian Investors and the Role of Franking Credits published in the Journal of Wealth Management and also discussed previously here). A key finding of the study is that Australian equity exposures at higher rates significantly increase portfolio volatility, and maximum potential losses.

Bonds and fixed interest

Bonds and fixed interest play a role in diversification, reducing overall portfolio volatility. The assumed return of 2.0% for these assets is in line with long term global averages measured since 1900, sourced from the Dimson, Marsh and Staunton book Triumph of the Optimists – 101 Years of Global Investment Returns. 

Property, gold and Bitcoin

I have no formal property allocation, excepting my small exploratory investments through BrickX. In the current market environment my assessment is Australian property is likely to enjoy low yields and returns for a considerable period, and not offer much diversification benefit over Australian equities or other asset classes.

The role of gold and Bitcoin are primarily as non-correlated financial instruments for diversification, and as an insurance against extreme capital market events. No real return is assumed for either asset, and I plan to only rebalance by purchasing low cost gold index ETFs if the overall alternatives asset class falls well below its 10% allocation.

Taking into account the above asset allocation and return assumptions, the overall portfolio return is estimated on a weighted average basis at 4.19%. This is equal to a nominal return of 7.19% based on an assumption of inflation being at the top half of the Reserve Bank’s target band over the medium-term.

This is a little above the safe withdrawal assumptions detailed above, but within a sufficient margin of error for current planning, considering that the above studies are all entirely based on patterns of realised historical returns, which will not necessarily be determinative of future returns.

Sailing out of port

Going though the process of testing assumptions and goals has been useful, even where the refinements have been modest. I am now more comfortable that my return assumptions are realistically modest, and that my goals accurately anchor my journey to points of greater psychological significance, rather than past rough approximations.

Remembering why a choice was made, and being forced to develop or find evidence for assumptions made is a critical part in my building greater confidence over time to tackle the remaining journey.

Portfolio Income Update – Half Year to December 31, 2018

A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.

Jane Austen Mansfield Park

Twice a year I prepare a summary of the total income from my portfolio. This is my fifth passive income update since starting this blog. As part of the transparency and accountability of this journey, I regularly report this income.

As discussed above, my goals are to build up a passive income of around $67 000 by 31 December 2020 (Objective #1) and $83 000 by July 2023 (Objective #2).

Passive income summary

  • Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth – $8 044
  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth – $444
  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced – $539
  • Vanguard Diversified Bonds – $86
  • Vanguard ETF Australian Shares ETF (VAS) – $1 812
  • Betashares Australia 200 ETF (A200) – $2 194
  • Telstra shares – $146
  • Insurance Australia Group shares – $455
  • NIB shares – $188
  • Ratesetter (P2P lending) – $1 528
  • Raiz app (Aggressive portfolio) – $122
  • Spaceship Voyager app (Index portfolio) – $0
  • BrickX (P2P rental real estate) – $43

Total passive income half year to December 31, 2018: $15 602

Presented in a pie chart form, the following is a breakdown of the percentage contribution of each investment to the total half-year income.


A time series of past passive income delivered from the portfolio is below.



The half-year passive income from the portfolio was $15 602, the equivalent of $2 600 per month, falling significantly below my base expectations.

The fall from the previous half-year result in July 2018 was the largest ever experienced for the portfolio. It seems the ‘reversion to the mean’ I have previously mooted has arrived, sending the December half-year income back to around 2016 levels.

This is likely the result of the a few different factors, such as:

  1. the overall poorer performance of nearly all asset markets in late 2018
  2. lower realised capital gains from the Vanguard retail funds, after previous strong equity returns in the past two years
  3. lower cash returns from a slow fall in the balance of the Ratesetter account, and a re-allocation of these funds to new equity ETFs with lower total distributions

The pattern of consistently lower distributions in the December half-year period continues. The results do exclude the value of franking credits, and so there is some understatement of total after-tax returns. My preference, however, is to seek to track cash actually delivered into my bank account as a tangible and easy to calculate metric.

The results do seem to suggest a focus on the overall portfolio objective, rather than narrowly interpreting this single half-year measure as a true indicator of the long-term income potential of the portfolio. Alternatively, it illustrates the value in viewing portfolio returns in smoother annual terms, such as on a whole of financial year basis. Interestingly, overall annual distributions have not fallen once over the past seven years. As a positive, as well, it is apparent that in calendar year 2018 just past, portfolio income was $61 600, not too distant from my revised Objective #1 target of $63 000 pa.

For forward planning purposes, I have settled on the average of the past five full years of distributions as a reasonable conservative estimate of future distributions. This implies an estimate of $45 000 per annum, which I use as one input into estimates of my required emergency fund and insurances.

Forecasting distributions from Vanguard managed funds has proved quite challenging. Based on past averages, I had expected higher distributions from the Vanguard High Growth fund. Using naive averages of overall portfolio distribution rates and averages had led to total portfolio income estimates for the half year of between $20 000-$25 000.

What has proved much more accurate in the case of the Vanguard funds is using past ‘cents per unit’ distribution data for the five previous December half years, which up to a few weeks ago I had never explored. Another method was to observe the overall change in value from 31 December to 1 January fund values, though this obviously has some market noise in it. These methods came within about 20-30% of the final lower distributions from Vanguard.

Some of these large variations I expect to be slightly reduced in the future by the increasing role of ETFs in my portfolio. These should have a more stable distribution profile that will be based on underlying firm earnings rather than the pre-mixed funds that are realising capital gains in an effort to seek to track a particular asset allocation. In this regard, it is pleasing to see that together the Vanguard VAS and A200 ETFs accounted for just over 25% of all portfolio income.

Over the hot summer days in prospect I will be eagerly waiting for the Vanguard fund and ETF distributions and then settling how to reinvest them. My current target asset allocation suggests purchases of more Australian equity ETFs such as A200, to reach my new target allocation for equities, and between Australian and international shares.

Overall, while the half-yearly income has not been what I expected, I still feel very fortunate to have had, on any measure, my portfolio providing additional income of $2600 per month over the last six months, meeting just under half of my typical monthly credit card expenses.

Just two or three years ago, these types of results were ambitious new highs. With each new investment in 2019, I will be looking forward to growing the total distributions income further in the future.

Resetting the Compass – New Goals and Portfolio Income Update – Half Year to December 31, 2017


Men are slower to recognise blessings than misfortunes.


A year ago I set out on a voyage to build a passive income of around $58 000 by July 2021. As outlined in my recent year in review post, I have come quite close to the absolute portfolio target, and so have spent the past few days reviewing my plans and objectives. Resetting the compass for the future. The passive income update below also indicates that for this past year at least, I have achieved the income objective.

Setting a new course

To recognise this, I have decided to move to having two complementary objectives.

The first is to reach the original goal of $1 476 000 by 31 December 2018. This recognises that while measured in income terms, I have arguably met this goal, this has been from a portfolio level which is still below the target.

The second is a longer term goal of receiving a passive income equivalent to $80 000 in 2017 dollars. This is the approximate equivalent of average Australian full-time earnings, and my annual credit card liability. This will be derived from a new portfolio objective of $2 041 000 by 31 July 2023, keeping the long term real return assumption of 3.92 per cent.

The second goal is designed to reflect a more ‘business as usual’ lifestyle, rather than more of a ‘leanFIRE’ concept , at least in my current phase of life, of $58 000. After reflection, it is closer to the level of expenditure at which I personally would likely truly become indifferent to working or not. Looking back at all of my past investment plans, all have been couched in terms not of quitting work, but building a second passive income stream. No doubt partially this was because not much conscious thought went into what happened at ‘the end’. The closest the policy comes is a ‘review’ following completion.

I have taken a new approach of setting the timeframe of this goal on an average of my past portfolio’s growth over the past few years. In my first plans I would laboriously calculate out new contributions, expected returns, and the effect of compounding. Each method has its drawbacks, however, with a good record of past actual savings and portfolio growth, I have decided that past actual history, with its inexactitude, is likely to be a better guide than forecasts with average return assumptions.

In setting the second objective, one of the factors I’m conscious is that any number of important life and external economic events could intervene. The target is about 2030 days away, based on averages, and cannot reflect how circumstances could change. Nonetheless, I like the focus of a tangible goal.

Following the course

In actually carrying out the new plan, I have made some small refinements. The first is the adoption of specific asset allocation sub-targets, beyond the broad initial equity/bond and alternatives categories. These are:

  • 65 per cent equity based investments
    • 30 per cent international shares
    • 35 per cent Australian shares
  • 15 per cent bonds and fixed interest holdings
    • 5 per cent Australian bonds and fixed interest
    • 10 per cent international bonds and fixed interest
  • 15 per cent gold and commodity securities and Bitcoin
    • 10 per cent physical gold holdings and securities
    • 5 per cent Bitcoin
  • 5 per cent property securities
    • 1 per cent Australia residential holdings
    • 4 per cent general Australian and international property securities

Currently, the portfolio is some distance from this ideal allocation, as it will inevitably be at any given time. My plan is to use new contributions and distributions over time to dynamically target the desired allocations. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find much good data to support individual asset allocations in an Australian context. The split between Australian and international equities reflect a balance between international diversification and the tax-advantaged nature of Australian dividends. The role of Bitcoin is primarily as a non-correlated financial instrument.

Passive income summary

As noted my first goal is to to build up a passive income of around $58 000 by 31 December 2018 and $80 000 by July 2023.

Twice a year I prepare a summary of the total income from my portfolio income. This is my third passive income update since starting this blog. As part of the transparency and accountability of this journey, I regularly report this income.

  • Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth – $23 062
  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth  – $1 370
  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced – $1 376
  • Vanguard Diversified Bonds – $233
  • Vanguard ETF Australian Shares (VAS) – $1 119
  • Telstra shares – $118
  • Insurance Australia Group shares – $371
  • NIB shares – $180
  • Ratesetter (P2P lending) – $1 964
  • BrickX (P2P rental real estate) – $38
  • Acorns – $68

Total passive income: $29 899

Distributions 2 - Jan 18


This half-year result was about double the level I expected, due to higher than expected distributions from Vanguard funds. I have tended to base my expectations on a rolling four year average, but this has broken above that forecast. December distributions tend to be systematically lower than June payouts, and so on a conservative basis, I have more than met my investment objective #1 this half-year.

As I await the distributions I have been considering the question of where to reinvest. Vanguard’s new diversified ETFs are strong contenders, as is increasing my holdings of Vanguard’s VAS Australian shares ETF. Mindful of my target allocations above and current allocations, I would also like to increase my international equity holdings, however, the level of the US share market, and valuations that approach those in September 1929 currently restrains my enthusiasm. The heavy exposure of Australian shares indices to banks and the continuing property slowdown, however, also makes selecting VAS potentially risky. The so-called ‘everything’ bubble makes it a challenging time for asset allocation decisions.

Monthly Portfolio Update – December 2016

I keep a diary in order to enter the wonderful secrets of my life. If I didn’t write them down, I should probably forget all about them.

Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest

This is my first portfolio update. I aim to update this monthly to check my progress against my aims.

Portfolio goal

My current portfolio objective is to reach a portfolio of $1 476 000 by 1 July 2021. My plan is that this should produce a real income of about $58 000. This is based on a real return of 3.92%, or a nominal return of 7.17%.

Those return estimates are the result of a probably unhealthy amount of detailed research about average returns of different asset classes, especially equites and bonds. As this was a quite involved process, I will post on it separately. I’m encouraged, though, that it seems to roughly equate to the widely used ‘4% rule’.

Portfolio summary

  • Vanguard Lifestrategy High Growth – $579 423
  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Growth  – $42 393
  • Vanguard Lifestrategy Balanced – $75 740
  • Vanguard Diversified Bonds – $111 009
  • St Andrews ‘Top 200’ Australian shares (indexed) – $11 929
  • Telstra shares – $6 798
  • Insurance Australia Group shares – $14 963
  • NIB Holdings – $5 700
  • Gold ETF (GOLD.ASX)  – $74 008
  • Secured physical gold – $1 809
  • Ratesetter (P2P lending) – $33 782
  • Bitcoin – $12 946
  • Acorns app (Aggressive portfolio) – $3 735
  • BrickX (P2P rental real estate) – $2 066

Total value: $976 311

Asset allocation

I track my asset allocation twice through each year, rather than monthly, but here is where that stood at the end of December.

  • Australian shares – 31%
  • International shares – 21%
  • Emerging markets shares – 3%
  • International small companies – 3%
  • Total shares – 58%
  • Australian property securities – 4%
  • International property securities 3%
  • Total property – 7%
  • Australian bonds – 12%
  • International bonds – 12%
  • Total bonds – 24%
  • Cash – 1.8%
  • Gold and alternatives – 9.1%


The core of the portfolio are low-cost Vanguard index funds, and aside from some smaller shareholding picked up over time, the portfolio contains no actively managed products.

When I look at the portfolio above, dear reader, my reaction is “so much to explain”. Behind every holding there is a story and logic, at least there was at the time of initial investment! I’m very conscious that it is not the simplest portfolio possible in the circumstances. It mainly reflects three things – the time at which I discovered certain products, my previous explorations, and also a continuing curiosity about trying a few different products once my core indexed portfolio was fairly well established.

My goal is to simplify some of these holdings over time, and to continue, at the edges, to try and take advantage of and try some of the really interesting new fintech products as they are launched.


Progress to goal: 66.1%


First portfolio update done! I hope to introduce a few more charts and progress bars over time, as I get more of a handle on the tools and what’s possible. It feels good to be ‘two-thirds’ of the way to my goal. I’m looking forward to explaining my portfolio elements in a bit more detail in future posts.



Setting Sail – 2017 Goals and Plans

Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.

New Years Resolutions were never really my thing, but for about ten years, I have kept track of my net worth and portfolio. Twice a year, with only a few gaps over the past decade, I tended spend an afternoon in front of my laptop, with an Excel file, working out what has happened over the past six months.

Truth is, I don’t know what made me choose this approach, especially as I also have long updated my net worth and account balances on a weekly basis. It’s perhaps a sign that I have some repressed accountant genes or something. Somewhere (it might have been William Bernstein’s Four Pillars of Investment) I had picked up the idea that what I needed was plan, or an investment policy, and a system of regularly reporting and analysing the results.

Ten years later, this process has evolved a lot. The excel spreadsheet is a spidery tribute to growing complexity, trial and error experimentation, and a healthy interest in quantification of all kinds of different numbers and ratios. For a long time, for example, I enjoyed tracking the number of weeks I could afford to live with my current expenses, with no income. A kind of early financial independence impulse, I guess.

Yet in many essential features, while the plan has evolved, the process still involves the same steps:

  • working out how to manage my savings and portfolio
  • deciding an asset allocation between alternatives such as shares, bonds and other asset types
  • setting a goal for my portfolio – usually comfortably in the distance, with years beginning in the 2020’s
  • taking all of the above and turning it into steps and actions for the six and twelve months ahead

My main goals for 2017 are:

  1. Continue to invest in low-cost passive index approaches (mostly…see goal 5)
  2. Contribute $75 000 to my existing portfolio regularly using dollar cost averaging
  3. Achieve total interest and distributions of $28 000
  4. Maintain an emergency fund of around 12 months of expenses
  5. Keep on experimenting at the edges of finance technology and new products – particularly with passive index-based Exchange Traded Funds

Going for a post New Years Eve bike ride today, I listened to one of my favourite podcasts at the moment – the Mad Fientist. He was interviewed Fiery Millennials and Millennial Boss, and both emphasised the role of making goals public to foster accountability. I aim to give regular updates on progress towards these goals.

So I have set my sails, and leave harbour!